Struggling whether to update to iOS 18 or not? Here we have introduced all the information you need to know before making the decision. Check it out!
When you install iOS 17 or iOS 18 Beta on your device, "Software update failed" appeared. Here we'll explain why and offer 7 ways to fix it, ensuring you can update to iOS 17/18 Beta.
Is your Apple Carplay not working or stop working now? To resolve this issue, here we offer 11 top fixes to troubleshoot easily and quickly.
Why iPhone Developer Mode not showing? There could be many reasons for it and you will find the solutions in this article.
Here is a full list of all the current iOS 18 bugs or beta bugs and the possible solutions. If you are experiencing one of those issues, check out the solutions now.
Photos app is experiencing some problems after the iOS 18 update? Read this article for solutions and you can see all reported iOS 18 Photos app bugs and fixes.
Is your iPhone screen scrolling up automatically? Learn the top 8 ways to fix iPhone ghost touch issues, from basic troubleshooting to advanced repair tools.
Wondering how to fix iPhone black screen but still on issue? If you discover iPhone screen is black but phone is on. Here you will find the top solutions to get rid of this bug.
If you wonder how to get out of guided access without password, check this out. This guide shows 6 ways for the “I forgot guided access password on iPhone” error.
Wondering does iOS 16/17 drain battery? I am afraid yes. In this article, we will show you why does iOS 16/17 drain battery and how to fix the problem.